duminică, 29 august 2010

WILDE GODS with Oscar's In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press.

In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press.
That is an improvement certainly. But still it is very bad, and wrong, and demoralising.
Somebody—was it Burke?—called journalism the fourth estate.
That was true at the time, no doubt.
But at the present moment it really is the only estate.
It has eaten up the other three.
The Lords Temporal say nothing, the Lords Spiritual have nothing to say, and the House of Commons has nothing to say and says it.
We are dominated by Journalism.

In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and ever. Fortunately in America Journalism has carried its authority to the grossest and most brutal extreme.
As a natural consequence it has begun to create a spirit of revolt. People are amused by it, or disgusted by it, according to their temperaments. But it is no longer the real force it was. It is not seriously treated. In England, Journalism, not, except in a few well-known instances, having been carried to such excesses of brutality, is still a great factor, a really remarkable power. The tyranny that it proposes to exercise over people’s private lives seems to me to be quite extraordinary.
The fact is, that the public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.

Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands.

In centuries before ours the public nailed the ears of journalists to the pump. That was quite hideous. In this century journalists have nailed their own ears to the keyhole. That is much worse. And what aggravates the mischief is that the journalists who are most to blame are not the amusing journalists who write for what are called Society papers. The harm is done by the serious, thoughtful, earnest journalists, who solemnly, as they are doing at present, will drag before the eyes of the public some incident in the private life of a great statesman, of a man who is a leader of political thought as he is a creator of political force, and invite the public to discuss the incident, to exercise authority in the matter, to give their views, and not merely to give their views, but to carry them into action, to dictate to the man upon all other points, to dictate to his party, to dictate to his country; in fact, to make themselves ridiculous, offensive, and harmful.

3 comentarii:

  1. Não sei como, mas este blog aparece na lista de blogs que estou a seguir. Realmente seguia a anterior dona e não sei que raio se passou mas de facto já não estou interessada em segui-lo. Na realidade nem estou ali na lista de seguidores, mas as acutalizações de posts insistem em aparecer-me, sem que o blogger me dê a opção de as apagar. Estou realmente chateada!! :[

  2. Já vi que é um espirituoso e compreendo que tenha mais que fazer do que preocupar-se com os meus problemas.

    Não acredito em seres míticos, não, ainda que a Floribella apelasse às fadinhas como o meu professor de mitologia apelava a Zeus.

    E então peço desculpa, o seu blog "1franja1000coisas" deve ser realmente uma aparição no meu computador. Até porque vendo bem as coisas este é um endereço meio estranho para um blog masculino. Mas cada um sabe de si e Zeus sabe de todos.

    Fique bem, sim!?

  3. Qual o sentido do teu comentário no MEU blog.?


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